Say Goodbye To Carpet Stains With These Easy Solutions!

 Say Goodbye To Carpet Stains With These Easy Solutions! 

       This weeks blog post is inspired by my toddlers ability to wreck havoc! Recently I tackled a huge problem in our house: Our carpets. I absolutely dread deep cleaning stains out of our carpets but it has to be done. Especially with two kids under two who like to spill things, throw food, or dumping moms cold coffee everywhere on an almost daily basis. 

      Today I’m going to discuss all the common types of stains we tend to get in our carpets and how to clean them out. Whether you are a stay at home mom like me, a pet owner, or just someone who needs help cleaning up a dirty carpet; stick with us to learn ways to clean your carpets! 

    Hi I'm Just Jess with Honest Honey. Here I write honest reviews on products I have tried and would personally recommend to friends and family. As an Amazon Associate I could earn from qualifying purchases. I also write cleaning tips and tricks. If you like what you are reading, be sure to subscribe by email so that you won’t miss out on new posts!

Here are some tips to start out when cleaning your carpet: Always clean a stain as soon as you can, this way it is less likely to soak into your carpet and become even more difficult to remove. Deep clean your carpet professionally every 12 to 18 months. Use your own carpet clean machine every few months to a month depending on how active your home is. And the last tip, determine what type of stain you have before determining what cleaning method to use.

I personally use The Little Green Machine by bissel for spot cleaning. I bought this because our family is on a budget. It’s also tiny so it takes up little room. This machine is very handy as a spot cleaner and gets out most of our stains very well! I use this for our carpets, our upholstery, and the inside of our car!

Below are common stains and how to clean them out of your carpet:

Pet Spots

Unfortunately accidents happen, even for our furry friends. However have no fear, We can fix this together! Below I will discuss a few different solutions for this problem from sprays to home remedies.

I’ve heard many good things about Rocco & Roxie stain and odor eliminator spray. With over 100,000 reviews on Amazon alone, it’s no wonder everyone loves using this spray. Simply spray it on your carpet, or upholstery, even in your laundry. Let it set for a few minutes, then carpet clean. It is safe to use around pets. This treats pet droppings, urine, and vomiting without leaving any traces or smells after it’s done.
A more cost effective cleaning solution I like to use on pet stains is Resolve: Urine Destroyer. This one I’ve used a lot in the past. It leaves fabrics smelling nice. It is also safe to use around pets and kids. You can use this on carpets, upholstery, area rugs, and fabric. Simply spray on affected areas, wait a few minutes, then soak it up and clean it. It is Climate Pledge friendly, which is a bonus.

  A home remedy you can use, especially if you like to live chemical free, is using warm water and vinegar. Simply spray warm water mixed with vinegar on the stain. Then sprinkle baking soda on top of the stain. Let it sit for about an hour like this then use a spot cleaner to soak it up.

Mud and Dirt

  Remember that old saying as a kid “God made Dirt, Dirt Don’t Hurt”? Maybe so, however no one likes a dirty carpet. It can be embarrassing especially when you have guests over. Here are some ways to clean mud and dirt out of your carpet.
I personally like using Oxiclean for everything. Here’s a link to prove it: Useful Hacks to Clean Your Home Using OxiClean!.  OxiClean is my go to cleaning product when cleaning  dirt and mud from my carpet. It has even pulled up months old mystery stains that I didn’t think anything would fix. 
     I simply mix a scoop of OxiClean in a warm bucket of water and then add a tiny bit of fabric softener for smell. Then I scrub this into my carpet and let it sit for about 15 minutes. I then clean it with my spot cleaner and it’s as if the stains were never there! 
      Another option that is cheaper is using warm water and some dawn dish soap for the stains. Simply mix warm water in a bucket with a few table spoons of dawn dish soap. Let it sit for 5 minutes and then soak up. This solution works best for little amounts of mud or dirt that are fresh. 


   Sometimes we have a little too much wine and we end up sharing that wine with the carpet. And that’s okay. You will hear no judgment from me. I’ve been there. When dealing with stains like this, definitely clean these as soon as possible. 

     The best thing to use is OxiClean. This helps lift the stain out of the carpet. Same as above: Mix warm water in a bucket with a scoop of OxiClean and let it sit on the stain for about 30 minutes. Then spot clean the stain. 
     Another Popular option I’ve heard of is Folex. This spray is cost efficient, and has very good ratings on Amazon. This spray claims you do not need to use a vacuum or dry it with a towel even.  Simply spray on the stain and watch it disappear. 

      A more chemical and budget friendly option for removing wine from your carpet is mixing about 3 parts hydrogen peroxide and 1 part dawn dish soap and putting this on the stain for about 30 minutes and then soaking it up with a spot cleaner. I have also heard using vinegar and some laundry detergent helps get out the red and purple pigment wine tends to leave in fabric. 

Oil and Grease

  Folex is also great for cleaning oil and grease out of your carpet. Again, this doesn’t require rinsing or vacuuming. Just watch the stains disappear.
The Pink Stuff is another surprising way to remove grease stains from your carpet. Simply scrub the paste into your carpet and let it sit for a few minutes then spit clean it. It also has a very nice smell and is safe to use around pets and kids.
Dish soap is handy for removing oils from your carpet. Mix a table spoon in a warm cup of water and then scrub the stain. This normally gets the oils stains out.
For grease use baking soda. Baking soda is a really nice multi purpose solution that is cost efficient and something you probably already have in your pantry. Mix a cup of baking soda and 1/2 a cup of dish soap. Put paste on top of your carpet stain and scrub then rinse.


     Blood can be a tricky thing to clean. I’ve had so many bloody nose accidents that I’ve had to clean through the years. Here are the best ones I’ve found so far: 

My favorite is Oxiclean, as I’ve said many times now. I use this on most stains. It’s just a great multi purpose cleaner that I use that is budget friendly. I mix a scoop in a bucket of warm water. Warm water is a key factor as it helps activate OxiClean so that it works more effective against stains. I soak the stain for a few minutes and then use a spot cleaner.

I also use peroxide, this is a very good budget friendly product you can use that is very effective. I love watching peroxide bubble over stains like these. It can be so satisfying. It does remarkably well on blood stains. Poor it directly on the stain and spot clean as soon as you can.


Coffee is an acid. It’s well known that baking soda absorbs acids. Simply sprinkle this over a coffee stain and let it soak up the coffee for a few minutes. Then vacuum. If there is still a stain use dawn dish soap and warm water and spot clean. Repeat the process if needed.

Another idea I have heard is using one tablespoon of dish soap, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and two cups of warm water all mixed. Soak on the stain for a few minutes. Then spot clean the stain. For best results clean as soon as the stain appears.

Ink stains

  Folex seems to be the best product for ink stains. As I’ve said, this product is budget friendly. No vacuum or rinse required. Simply spray on the stain and watch Folex work its magic.

A product you probably already have in your home, rubbing alcohol! Put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and blot at the ink stain. This should come right up onto the cotton ball. A non oil based hair spray does similar as rubbing alcohol for this.
Another option is mixing vinegar with corn starch. Make a paste and set this on the ink stain. Then scrub and let sit for a few minutes. Spot clean when finished.


     There are many different types of stains you can find on your carpet. There’s are so many ways to clean these stains from your carpet. However these seem to be the best I have found. Please save this post as a guide to look back on when you find a stain you’re not sure how to clean. 

There you have it Busy Bees. Say Goodbye To Carpet Stains With These Easy Solutions!

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