The Hidden Dirt: How Often Should You Really Clean Household Items?

Ever wondered if your cleaning routine is doing enough to keep your home truly clean? We all know the importance of maintaining a tidy living space, but what about those hidden dirt hotspots that often go unnoticed? From everyday essentials to rarely touched items, our homes harbor more germs and grime than we might realize. In this eye-opening blog post, we delve into the world of household cleanliness and uncover the truth about how often you should clean various items in your home. Prepare to be amazed as we reveal the surprising culprits that might be affecting your living environment more than you think. Get ready to revolutionize your cleaning habits and achieve a healthier, happier home!
Hi I'm Just Jess with Honest Honey. Here I write honest reviews on products I have tried and would personally recommend to friends and family. As an Amazon Associate I could earn from qualifying purchases. I also write cleaning tips and tricks. If you like what you are reading, be sure to subscribe by email so that you won’t miss out on new posts!
Bedding and Linens
Sheets, pillowcases, and towels should be washed every week or possibly more if you suffer from allergies. while blankets and duvet covers can be cleaned every month. And if you use soft fuzzy blankets like me, those should be cleaned every two weeks atleast.
Our beddings are especially important to clean as this is where we spend a majority of our time sleeping. Our bedding can harbor things like Bacteria, Dust Mites, Fungi, Allergens (deadskin), body fluids, food particles, and even makeup and skin care products.
Upholstered Furniture
Vacuum upholstery weekly to remove dust and debris, and deep clean every 6-12 months.
An easy way to keep furniture clean is to get covers. Not only will it keep them clean and stain free it will also protect them from wear and tear.
Carpets and Rugs
Vacuum high-traffic areas at least once a week and do a thorough deep clean every 6-12 months.
Keep in mind the tools you use is key to a clean carpet and rug. Check out our post for which vacuums to buy.
Here is a really good stain remover solution I like to use that brings most stains right up:
A bucket filled half way with very warm water, a scoop of oxy clean, and about two table spoons of your favorite fabric softener.. (test small areas first to make sure your rugs can handle this). after a good scrub into the carpet or rugs, I typically let this set for at least 10 minutes. I use a carpet cleaner to suck up the solution along with all the dirt it pulls out of the carpet.
Curtains and Drapes
Dust or vacuum them every few weeks, and wash them every few months or as needed. Blinds can be soaked in the bathtub in warm water and whatever kind of mild soap of your choice. Air dry after.
Kitchen Appliances
Wipe down kitchen appliances (microwave, oven, refrigerator, etc.) regularly, and deep clean them once every few months.
I like to use a micro cloth and an all purpose cleaner.
Bathroom Items
We all know that the bathroom is one of the germiest places in your home. for this definitely keep a spray that will kill germs, lysol seems to be a popular well known choice. Clean the shower curtain and bath mat every few weeks
and scrub the shower and bathtub every 1-2 weeks, especially to keep away soap scum, which we all know is no fun to clean after leaving it for months on end. my favorite to use for this is Bar Keepers Friend. This is hands down everyone's favorite cleaner my cleaning groups.
Dust and wipe down electronic devices once a week, and disinfect them periodically. I like to keep a can of air handy incase there is stubborn dirt hidden in crevices that a swab can not reach. using a microfiber cloth to clean these items is very handy for electrionics, especially screens as it does not scratch.
Vacuum your mattress every few months and use a mattress protector to reduce allergens and dirt accumulation.
do not use a carpet cleaner and water base cleaners as this will more than likely cause mold spores that will be very hard to get rid of. instead sprinkle baking soda on the mattress to remove odors and moisture, then vacuum. Always use a mattress protector that is water proof. this will keep your mattress from needing any major cleaning and prolong the lifespan.
remember to clean your mattress protector every few months and replace every year or two.
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